Any event with an attractive hunky man is sure to be different. A good-looking man to that you hire as your naked butler is one that you make different.
If you're here to hire a naked butler or want to be one then scroll down, if not move on.
Because nude butlers are not for everyone.
The first obvious difference, which you probably don’t need to be told, is that while buff butlers wear sexy uniforms, naked butlers don’t wear one.
Another difference is the type of events they get booked for.
Buff butlers get hired for parties and events where there are many guests, however naked butlers often get booked for smaller private parties.
And naked butlers can charge more.
Naked butlers are not better or worse than normal buff butlers. Some people prefer to hire butlers with a nice outfit that leaving little to the imagination whilst others like to hire fully naked butlers.
It all depends on what you prefer doing.
Many buff butlers also offer their services as naked butler among other types of buff butlers (like cleaning butlers in the buff).
They are smart buff butlers.
Because they get the best of both worlds. As a buff butler you get to increase your chances of getting good customers, hired for the best and get regular gigs.
Buff butlers who don’t offer more struggle to get hired.
They earn more because it takes sheer confidence to serve fully naked. And while most naked butlers are hired at smaller gatherings, the earning potential is unlimited.
It’s simply business and economics:
Supply and demand are out of balance.
There’s a shortage of naked butlers and demand for them is higher. Those willing to do it can name their price.
If someone wants you bad enough, they be willing to pay for it.
You came here to hire a naked butler. You want to know more, like what things they can do for your party or event.
For some the cost of hiring one is irrelevant. If you want something different then hiring a hunky butler is the way to do that.
People hiring a naked butler want to bring their party to life, they want guest to remember their party, to remember them.
No one wants a boring time.
And a naked butler offers more than just looking good – if you want more from the that is.
Whatever party you’re hosting, a naked butler can provide the hosting services for such things like – serving, making drinks / food and getting involved.
And most naked butlers do offer more then their looks.
One way to attract more bookings is offering naked butler cleaning services. No heavy industrial cleaning – but don’t let this put you off as the gigs are only light domestic cleaning for private customers.
These types of gigs are less full on than a party gig because there are fewer people and they are not drunk.
Also, cleaning as a naked butler is more lucrative because you are not only providing a tangible service with results, you are fully naked (or semi-nude) whilst doing it. You are hired for your goods looks and cleaning ability.
While the majority of nude butlers in the buff are hired for smaller, private events, some may be booked for a party, such as a hen or birthday party.
Most naked butlers prefer the smaller and more private events and choose not to offer them for events with many guests.
For those who find naked butlers too much there are other options – a buff butler that’s semi-naked.
The sight of a buff butler in a sexy outfit is much more appealing and friendly to all guests – especially if you are throwing a party where people of all ages are going to be there.
For those here because they interesting is being a buff butler or nude butler that are things you want to know before your start.
Because you can start today – it doesn’t mean you should. Get all the facts first, sleep on it and then go for it.
The first thing you need to know is if you have what it takes – do you have the right personality and character to be a naked buff butler.
Before deciding to become a nude butler, a string character is required. A man who is confident with knock backs because there can be timewasters.
Your character should be outgoing and sociable – able to get along with people in general.
And of course, you need to be someone who is not easily offended, because there are some out there who get jealous of good-looking men.
It takes more than being outgoing to be a successful naked butler – but it’s a start.
While a strong character helps success as a naked buff butler there are a few other things you need to consider if you want it to go well.
You also need:
1. A head for business –
because buff butler services are like any other business and if you don’t you won’t get anywhere.
Don’t worry and give up if you don’t – many good butlers started out without knowing how to create theirs like a business. You only need an understanding of business so don’t rush off to a get degree or anything like that.
2. Unsociable hours –
because you’ll probably be hired for parties and events at weekends and weekend evenings which might interfere with things.
To be honest, most buff butlers don’t mind because they can choose which parties then want to accept or not.
As a naked butler, a lot of the work can be for naked cleaning (and other domestic buff butler services) which can be weekdays and takes place in your customers homes. Although this is not unsociable hours it could impact your current job so bear this in mind.
An outgoing personality, how to promote your self and willing to do what it takes.
Got all three?
Then you’re 95% complete to being a naked butler.
The rest is up to you as its your choice how you operate, where you work and getting the high paying customers you want.
Just a few regular naked butler gigs are enough for some, others want more and willing to do more like travel to those high paying gigs.
Whatever you decide, it take less than you think. The real work starts when you are a buff butler / naked butler.
Only when you take it seriously and put the effort in, you’ll be rewarded.
One reason why naked butlers can charge more for their services is due to the fact that not many others are willing to do it. Most prefer being a buff butler earing a uniform not matter how revealing as long as they have one.
With supply low and demand high, charging more is common sense and they deserve to get the extra for serving without their clothes on.
Charging more also shows that you’re professional because you know that you are worth it and that you can expect a certain level of quality.
But remember, if your charge more you should expect to deliver more than just turning up nude – those that hire you will expect you to at least interact and bring you character to the party.
As a nude butler in the buff there’s an expectation that its only seedy people wanting the services. The fact is there’s plenty of other buff butler work and many does offer a range of services.
For some, they concentrate solely on being a naked buff butler and nothing else.
Because naked butlers (and those who hire them) are not very active it hard to know what really goes on around the UK.
With butlers in the buff increasing across the UK, its probably true that naked buff butlers are also growing in popularity.
Many buff butlers don’t offer naked butler services and will only serve at gigs with their uniform on.
Finding a suitable one is your local area might be difficult if you don’t know they are there in the first place.
To search and hire a naked butler that you like the look of, you could:
• Search other locations further away – some butler will travel.
• Contact current buff butlers to see if they are willing to work as one – they sometimes miss this info out for fear of being laughed at by their friends or family.
Many butlers in the buff haven’t considered doing naked butlers so you may be able to tempt them – with the right price of course.
The short answer: many different types of people.
For those who already offer naked butler services, you’ll now that your customer varies. They range in looks, ages, professions and locations.
One thing for sure is that they tend to be wealthy people. They also tend to people who are naturists as well as those who like art.
Because affluent people are more likely to hire a naked butler it goes without saying that wealthy parts of any town and city are the best places to find your next gig.
That’s doesn’t mean you should go knocking on doors and posting leaflets in those places. Theres a secrecy to naked butlers. Not many people admit to hiring a naked butler.
But as people spend more time on online it’s here that you’ll find you next gig – you just have to go online and seek them out.
Those who seek a naked butler spend time on the following types of sites:
• Naturist forums and membership sites
• Naked cleaning forums
• Reading online nature journals
• Message boards
• Classified adverts
• Buff butler membership sites
Starting out as a naked butler you’ll have to go out and find your first gig.
Before doing that, an online profile on a membership site will help once you get established because in the buff butler industry once you have a reputation people start looking for you.
An online profile on a specific site can show your professionalism and let potential customers contact you directly.
Remember, they don’t like using social media because they prefer to operate in secrecy.
This also works in your favour too. A secret profile means you get to access customers in any UK location – without your family and friends knowing.
Its hard work at the beginning but worth it in the long run once you get established.
They can do. They earn more per party / event / gig than a normal buff butler. However, buff butlers earn more overall because they can be hired for a range of parties like hen, birthday, launch events etc whereas naked butlers aren’t in demand for those events (for obvious reasons)
That’s why its recommended that buff butlers should keep their options open and offer a range of butler services rather than just one.
People who like the sight of an attractive man. Those who like and apprentice the male form.
They hire naked butlers because they want something different, they want someone different.
Someone who is confident. Men who are sure of themselves and willing to learn. It goes without saying that good looking guys and those with muscular bodies are naturally drawn to it and make good naked butlers – they get the best gigs and higher paying customers.
There could be many reasons. People pick and then hire a buff butler based on their looks first – a naked buff butler is no different, expect naked butlers have even more confidence because it takes having more confidence to be one in the first place.
Yes. There are many buff butler companies out there offering services to people hosting parties for whatever reason.
More questions can be found on the general FAQs page.